Welcome to Windmill

a literary journal of nonfiction | fiction | art | conversation

Windmill: The Hofstra Journal of Literature & Art
— Issue 7 —

Creative Nonfiction
Jordan Brown
Liam Callanan
Michele Corrigan
Hannah Lockhart
Amelia Lyons
Kathryn McDanel
Jessica Ross

Gavin Boyter
C.G. Dominguez
Caroline Funk
D.B. Gardner
Julie Lunde

Heather Heckel
Dinora Justice
Arielle Trent

George M. Johnson

Cover Art
Dinora Justice


Editors: Julia De Lellis, Gina DiBenedetto, Jocelyn Disselkoen, AJ Herlong, Tal Heyman, Sabrina Iraggi, Mikaela Miller, Riley Pappas, Josie Racette, Nell Stultz
Intern: Sam Malkiewitz

A source of energy and imagination

Find out why our journal is named for this icon and idea.

Running the Mill

Check out our blog posts by the editorial board members (both past and present). From interviews with writers, podcasts on publishing, and art inspired by our new issue, our behind-the-scenes look at the lit mag life is now live.