Submit your work to Windmill
What you should know before submitting:
We strive to showcase emerging voices alongside established authors.
Works must be original and not previously published.
Submissions are open to all, with the exception of current Hofstra University students and alums who graduated fewer than five years before the submission date.
We welcome simultaneous submissions. Please note in your cover letter if this is a simultaneous submission and kindly withdraw your work quickly if accepted elsewhere.
We only accept submissions via Submittable. We do not charge for submissions.
We do not accept poetry submissions at this time, nor do we accept submissions for our Conversations section.
While we are currently unable to pay for accepted pieces, we do offer two complimentary copies of the print magazine upon request. All rights revert to authors after one calendar year.
Creative Nonfiction
We seek essays that celebrate strong narrative voice. We accept reported and personal pieces, including flash nonfiction. We request submissions be under 5,000 words.
We accept all genres of fiction, including flash fiction and fantasy. We do not accept chapters. We request submissions be under 5,000 words.
We seek images to complement and extend the strong narrative voices in the written sections of our literary journal. In past issues, our art section has included original photography, illustration, graphic design, collage, painting, installation, and more. You may submit individual files, a portfolio of images, or direct us to a link to view available works.